Born in Michigan and raised in its Upper Peninsula, Katie has a unique appreciation for nature’s beauty in all its forms. Katie is the oldest of four children and did all the expected rites of passage for teens like wrestling on the varsity team and learning almost every single instrument in band. Totally normal stuff.

Katie currently lives in Illinois with her techie spouse, fabulous neurodivergent child, and absolute wiggle butt of a dog, Shadow. Her child is the light of her life and she often spends time researching and advocating for their needs.

When she does find spare time you can find her having a serious internal debate surrounding what is in her ‘to be read’ book pile. The jury is still out on whether or not she will ever reach the end of it.

Katie is also an avid board gamer. Don’t ask her how many games she owns. She doesn’t know and doesn’t want to. (It’s a lot.) But if you need a great game recommendation, she is your go-to.

Watch out for her arsenal of puns and well-timed dad jokes. Never forget that a good pun is its own re-word.